Dear Fellow Seekers

Dear Fellow Seekers,

In the Winter of 2002, I collapsed after a three mile run. I woke up the next morning in a medical center and was told that I had cancer all over my liver. One week later my physicians told me that I had one of the rarest sarcomas in the world. After visiting a myriad of cancer centers around the country, the prognosis was the same, "NO HOPE OF SURVIVAL".

Today I am still standing healthy and doling out hope to others. Please take my hand and together we will help others continue their journey through the circle of life. God working through thousands of individuals has performed many miracles during my survival.

When all the odds are all stacked against you, continue to say:

"It's possible."
"There is a way."
"Never give up."

Friday, May 20, 2011


Cancer and catastrophic illness are wake up calls to change one's life in all aspects. Over the past thirty years, ( practicing medicine ) I have watched thousands of individuals battle this disease. Many have put the majority of their hope and faith into one oncologist or medical center. Others might lend an ear to a close friend or family member for guidance. Unfortunately, when the cancer or complications start taking them down, many of these friends, family members, or providers, don't have the answers or strategies to keep them alive. God has hidden the answers inside of each of us. It is our job to call out and ask him to show us these secrets.

When I was stricken with my devastating diagnosis, I was a workaholic and a Christian of modest faith. Moreover, I had considered myself a failure at establishing a long standing, successful relationship. In the past, my relationships ended within five years. At the time of my diagnosis I was working myself to the bone at two medical centers and also giving many lectures on Integrative medicine. I was putting so many hours into my career that I had let my spiritual life slide. During one of these periods of exhaustion, before my diagnosis, I had a dream that there was something seriously wrong with me. I sensed that one of God's messengers was coming to warn me. I listened to the warning and told the messenger that I hoped that whatever diagnosis I was given....would be something that I could fight with dignity and courage. The entity in this dream, listened to me and then vanished. Approximately six months later, I was diagnosed with one of the rarest sarcomas in the world.